Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Wood work begins

dropped by the site this arvo,,we have workers,,,unfortunately the down side is that we are locked out,,but i suppose being locked out means kitchen stuff can be left there,,,ss said all going well, the kitchen should go in by the end of the week,,mind you the chippies still have a fair bit to get through tomorrow,,,looks totally different having doors,,btw,the front door will b painted white,,not staying green lol,,here r todays pics


  1. How you get in!! completely locked out or you have in access? where is your garage door!!

  2. We dont have a garage door yet,,,

  3. Door looks nice, is it 820mm or bigger? good to see yours locked out..

  4. Yes its 870 wide,,,,,ive never been so happy to b locked out of home lol
